How You Can Get Help through Health Care Fraud Investigation Texas?

Led by Dan James, one time Chief Investigator & Certified Fraud Examiner for the Office of the Federal Public Defender, Northern District of Texas, ICFECI’s team of healthcare fraud examiners investigate cases relating to..

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As we go about our lives, it’s easy for our perspective to be clouded. The hardships we face are different to others, and their experiences can be completely alien to our own. The difference in the color of our skin, for example, is about more than how we look. When we can’t see what others go through, and we can’t recognise the adversities endured by certain groups, we are blind to their plight.

These invisible obstacles are faced by millions of people every day. Black, poor, uneducated, sick and marginalised people walk alongside us, suffering in a way that white, rich, educated, healthy and privileged people can never understand. These people face hurdles most of us cannot imagine.

Being accused of a crime we didn’t commit is stressful, traumatic, immobilising, draining and costly. No matter who you are, the effects of this are difficult to cope with – but they are devastating for those already struggling. Getting legal representation when you cannot afford it is near impossible, and dealing with the complex process of a case is mind boggling for the best of us, never mind those with limited resources.

ICFECI is committed to making sure these oppressed groups get the respect and dignity they deserve. We regularly deal with people who have been persecuted by society, and as such are at a much higher risk of false imprisonment. It is with deep sadness that we observe the disproportionate number of people being accused of crimes they did not commit, simply because of their race, class or disability.

These minorities are not only falsely accused, but they are often forced into illegal activities against their will. Whether it’s prostitution, violence or gangs, they can be coerced into criminal behaviour through no fault of their own. Instead of punishing the individual, the courts ought to look at the system enabling this way of life, and bring about change that will prevent minorities being forced into a life of crime.

We all have a duty to understand and help. When these invisible obstacles are made known to us, we cannot continue to turn a blind eye and look the other way. As a society, we owe it to every citizen to ensure they can live their best life – and this is no different when it comes to legal representation.



Forensic Toolkit (or FTK) is just one of the many programs ICFECI uses for reliable computer forensics. First released more than 20 years ago, FTK is hailed as the gold standard for digital forensics and currently serves investigators around the world. With a range of impressive imaging features and decryption abilities, FTK can locate, manage and filter data at lightning-fast speed.

The software can create full-disk forensic images from most devices, including mobile devices and hard drives, stored in a secure, centralized system. FTK can process and index data immediately, reducing the need to filter information or waste time on executing multiple searches. FTK can decrypt files, recover deleted emails and crack passwords from more than 100 applications. Mobile data is easily located with the dedicated mobile tab, allowing users to instantly isolate messages from WhatsApp, Facebook etc.

Forensic Toolkit is optimized for Apple products in a way that is unmatched by similar programs. The software offers full support for Safari, iMessage, Mac artifacts and more, enabling comprehensive Mac investigations by parsing and rendering Apple files in near-native format.

A unique and invaluable feature of FTK is the visualization technology. This gives users a clear picture of events, organizing timelines, geolocations and graphs in a visible layout. The program also employs Explicit Image Detection (EID), ensuring that professionals are shielded from sensitive and explicit material using hash values. This allows investigators to locate, categorize and share images without having to view the content itself.

Forensic Toolkit users benefit from sophisticated malware support. FTK can detect a threat long before it wreaks havoc, identifying ransomware attacks, data breaches and suspicious activity in the form of IOCs, YARA rules, and shared MISP indicators.

Accuracy and speed are two factors taken very seriously with the program’s advanced processing. Precision document conversion capabilities and multilingual OCRs save investigators a considerable amount of time, as does the impressive video recognition which can automatically flag key elements like weapons, drugs etc.

If you’d like to find out more about this software or other ICFECI tools, get in touch and ask away.



With so much information stored on our personal devices, evidence on our cell phones and computers is in high demand. This kind of data can make or break your case, so making sure you get all the material you need is essential to guarantee your freedom. Something as sensitive as this requires careful consideration, so there are a few things to think about before gathering your evidence.

Do it yourself

Checking things out yourself if the first port of call. If a device is in your possession, naturally you will want to have a look for yourself to see if there for any important information. If it’s your own phone or computer, you’ll have a better idea than anyone about what to look for and where to find it. For instance if you know you’ve saved an email that could help your case, you can get to it quickly and easily. If a device is damaged or data has been deleted, you might want to have a go at fixing or retrieving files first before handing it over to a professional. Sometimes it can be an easy fix, so attempting it yourself is always worth a try.

Ask for help

If your technical skills aren’t the best, asking someone more knowledgeable might help. Friends, family and colleagues who have more experience with computers may be able to find the information you’re looking for, so don’t despair if you’ve not been successful on your own. This is especially important if you don’t have access to the device in question – if they are legally able to, asking someone to send over the data you need shouldn’t be a problem.

Hire an expert

Hiring an expert is the best option if you’re struggling to get the information you need. Whether you’re not sure where to look or the device is too damaged to function, a forensic investigator in Fort Worth can help. ICFECI specialize in computer and cell phone forensics, using the latest technology and decades of experience to get the results you require. No matter how impossible it might seem, our experts are capable of delivering the goods where others have failed. When it comes to your freedom, you don’t want to leave it to chance – hiring a forensic investigator in Texas is the best way to ensure you get the information your case needs.



In the fairly recent past, a criminal defense investigator in Dallas would need to uncover physical evidence in order to help clear the name of their client. However, thanks to the advent of the digital age this has changed. A range of new crimes have emerged which are committed in an entirely digital space. This requires defense teams to utilise computer-based methods. It is vital that they understand the rules and regulations regarding these practices.


Some areas of the United States are not very clear when it comes to the rules for this form of law examination. Extra research into local vendor compliance may be necessary. Texas, Michigan and Georgia are much more explicit. When it comes to the state of Texas a digital forensics practitioner needs to be fully licensed. This means that a criminal defense investigator in Dallas TX is only legally able to perform their duties if they have express consent from regulators. Those who manage to attain it are commonly referred to as PIs.


A computer forensics criminal defense investigator in Fort Worth or any other area within Texas would need to apply for a Private Investigation Business License. This is also a requirement for owners of businesses that provide these types of services. Employees will be able to become fully licensed detectives in the process. However, start-ups may have difficulty due to these rules.


The main stumbling block for new computer forensics firms is the amount of experience that the manager needs. This includes at least 3 years of experience as an investigator or a degree in criminal justice. The FBI may perform a background check on them. The fingerprinting of managers in Texas is also mandatory.


There is a good reason for all of these rules. The PI will tend to gather and present digital evidence that is then used in court cases. Therefore regulations need to be in place in order to enforce a decent standard of conduct, accountability and training. Defendants rely on these firms to help them get a fair trial. The best company for this service is ICFECI. Contact them for all of your forensic examination needs.



Computer forensics is a discipline that requires experience, expertise and top-quality equipment. The amount of time and skill that goes into a job like this cannot be overestimated, but there are three key stages to the process: evidence collection, preservation and presentation.

Evidence collection

Information is the essence of any forensic pursuit. Computer forensics is no different, as its the data stored on these electronic devices that investigators diligently seek. Experts search through files, logs, firewalls, caches and more to get the information they need, and it’s their unique responsibility to find any hidden data.

Recovering information is often required when measures have been taken to wipe information or damage devices. Despite this, experts can still extract files and operate computers that have been burned, broken or water-logged.

Discovering and recovering information can sometimes be time-consuming, but in the right hands a computer forensic investigation can uncover a huge amount of evidence.


Unfortunately the justice system often takes more time than we’d like. During this time, it is essential that any evidence is preserved correctly before it can be presented in court.

This means that investigators must follow rigid requirements to ensure that information is gathered properly and stored appropriately. Evidence should remain in its original form, for example, and not be exposed to risk of tampering or theft. These issues may jeopardize the integrity of the information, and subsequently allow for a judge to prevent its appearance in court.


Naturally the end goal of computer forensics is to present the information as evidence.

Digital forensics can be difficult to present in the courtroom however. This is due to the technical skill involved and the advanced knowledge needed to understand how information was collected. It is very easy for experts to forget this fact and therefore many make the mistake of communicating their findings in a way that alienates the jury.

At ICFECI, we pride ourselves on our expertise not only in computer forensics but also in courtrooms. We have decades of experience handling cases and presenting information in a way that clients and juries can understand with ease.

Looking for a forensic investigator in Fort Worth who can collect, preserve and present evidence for your case? Get in touch with ICFECI today.


How Computer Forensics Analyst Handle Crimes and Cybersecurity Incidents?

The results of forensic science is likely the number one factor in solving cold cases. Image for over 30 years, having an unsolved criminal case hanging over your head. One of the largest serial crimes was solved by the use of computer forensic services.

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