Are you searching the Private Investigator?

An accused is entitled to adequate representation by investigative services and by counsel under the Criminal Justice Act (CJA). ICFECI is at the forefront in providing expert investigative services indispensable for adequate representation of defendants under Title 18, United States Code, Section 3006A, and Adequate Representation of Defendants.

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Computer forensics is a discipline that requires experience, expertise and top-quality equipment. The amount of time and skill that goes into a job like this cannot be overestimated, but there are three key stages to the process: evidence collection, preservation and presentation.

Evidence collection

Information is the essence of any forensic pursuit. Computer forensics is no different, as its the data stored on these electronic devices that investigators diligently seek. Experts search through files, logs, firewalls, caches and more to get the information they need, and it’s their unique responsibility to find any hidden data.

Recovering information is often required when measures have been taken to wipe information or damage devices. Despite this, experts can still extract files and operate computers that have been burned, broken or water-logged.

Discovering and recovering information can sometimes be time-consuming, but in the right hands a computer forensic investigation can uncover a huge amount of evidence.


Unfortunately the justice system often takes more time than we’d like. During this time, it is essential that any evidence is preserved correctly before it can be presented in court.

This means that investigators must follow rigid requirements to ensure that information is gathered properly and stored appropriately. Evidence should remain in its original form, for example, and not be exposed to risk of tampering or theft. These issues may jeopardize the integrity of the information, and subsequently allow for a judge to prevent its appearance in court.


Naturally the end goal of computer forensics is to present the information as evidence.

Digital forensics can be difficult to present in the courtroom however. This is due to the technical skill involved and the advanced knowledge needed to understand how information was collected. It is very easy for experts to forget this fact and therefore many make the mistake of communicating their findings in a way that alienates the jury.

At ICFECI, we pride ourselves on our expertise not only in computer forensics but also in courtrooms. We have decades of experience handling cases and presenting information in a way that clients and juries can understand with ease.

Looking for a forensic investigator in Fort Worth who can collect, preserve and present evidence for your case? Get in touch with ICFECI today.


Private Investigation Service is a Resources

Private detectives or investigators help the general public, lawyers and businesses in acquiring the details, finding out the whereabouts of a person or investigation different kinds of frauds and crimes.

Always select a good private investigator that has the talent and experience you need. While hiring a private investigator might be costly, the benefits you avail from their services outweigh the cost. If you are not sure whether you should use ICFECI Private Investigation service Fort Worth or not, consider these factors first:

  1. They will perform vetting and background checks – Most of the experienced investigators follow tested and tried methods, and if needed, these methods also include performing criminal and civil background checks. They have access to vast databases.
  2. They have the experience – Performing any investigation can be difficult, which can’t be done by any regular person. This is one of the prominent reasons why you should hire a private investigator. Even if you think that you have found the necessary information resolving a proper form of evidence can be quite tricky. A private investigator knows the techniques needed in acquiring, processing and presenting evidence.
  3. They are trained to manage tough cases – A criminal investigation can be of any nature, sometimes it can be a rather easy one, but most of the time investigations are filled with tension and complexity. A private investigation service provider is trained to solve and manage a situation thoroughly and professionally.
  4. They can collect needed proof – For the success of any legal proceeding, evidence or proof is vital. An expert private investigator will know how to find and secure all of the evidence concerning the particular incident.
  5. They are well-versed with legal procedures — Simply collecting the evidence is not enough for the successful litigation. You also need a thorough knowledge of Civil and Criminal Codes and Rules. If you are not well aware of the legal process, you could still fail despite the evidence.
  6. They can maintain confidentiality – If you are investigating someone who knows you, you need to stay anonymous, making it difficult for you to perform needed work. Investigators must protect their clients and keep investigative finding confidential.
  7. They are efficient – If you do not have enough time and want to collect the facts and evidence as quickly as possible, hiring a PI is your best choice. They have the network and experience, which makes them able to get the job done quickly.

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy Private Investigation service in Fort Worth, then ICFECI is a logical pick. Whether you are looking for a cyber forensic expert or regular investigator, ICFECI can provide what you need.

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