As we go about our lives, it’s easy for our perspective to be clouded. The hardships we face are different to others, and their experiences can be completely alien to our own. The difference in the color of our skin, for example, is about more than how we look. When we can’t see what others go through, and we can’t recognise the adversities endured by certain groups, we are blind to their plight.

These invisible obstacles are faced by millions of people every day. Black, poor, uneducated, sick and marginalised people walk alongside us, suffering in a way that white, rich, educated, healthy and privileged people can never understand. These people face hurdles most of us cannot imagine.

Being accused of a crime we didn’t commit is stressful, traumatic, immobilising, draining and costly. No matter who you are, the effects of this are difficult to cope with – but they are devastating for those already struggling. Getting legal representation when you cannot afford it is near impossible, and dealing with the complex process of a case is mind boggling for the best of us, never mind those with limited resources.

ICFECI is committed to making sure these oppressed groups get the respect and dignity they deserve. We regularly deal with people who have been persecuted by society, and as such are at a much higher risk of false imprisonment. It is with deep sadness that we observe the disproportionate number of people being accused of crimes they did not commit, simply because of their race, class or disability.

These minorities are not only falsely accused, but they are often forced into illegal activities against their will. Whether it’s prostitution, violence or gangs, they can be coerced into criminal behaviour through no fault of their own. Instead of punishing the individual, the courts ought to look at the system enabling this way of life, and bring about change that will prevent minorities being forced into a life of crime.

We all have a duty to understand and help. When these invisible obstacles are made known to us, we cannot continue to turn a blind eye and look the other way. As a society, we owe it to every citizen to ensure they can live their best life – and this is no different when it comes to legal representation.



With so much information stored on our personal devices, evidence on our cell phones and computers is in high demand. This kind of data can make or break your case, so making sure you get all the material you need is essential to guarantee your freedom. Something as sensitive as this requires careful consideration, so there are a few things to think about before gathering your evidence.

Do it yourself

Checking things out yourself if the first port of call. If a device is in your possession, naturally you will want to have a look for yourself to see if there for any important information. If it’s your own phone or computer, you’ll have a better idea than anyone about what to look for and where to find it. For instance if you know you’ve saved an email that could help your case, you can get to it quickly and easily. If a device is damaged or data has been deleted, you might want to have a go at fixing or retrieving files first before handing it over to a professional. Sometimes it can be an easy fix, so attempting it yourself is always worth a try.

Ask for help

If your technical skills aren’t the best, asking someone more knowledgeable might help. Friends, family and colleagues who have more experience with computers may be able to find the information you’re looking for, so don’t despair if you’ve not been successful on your own. This is especially important if you don’t have access to the device in question – if they are legally able to, asking someone to send over the data you need shouldn’t be a problem.

Hire an expert

Hiring an expert is the best option if you’re struggling to get the information you need. Whether you’re not sure where to look or the device is too damaged to function, a forensic investigator in Fort Worth can help. ICFECI specialize in computer and cell phone forensics, using the latest technology and decades of experience to get the results you require. No matter how impossible it might seem, our experts are capable of delivering the goods where others have failed. When it comes to your freedom, you don’t want to leave it to chance – hiring a forensic investigator in Texas is the best way to ensure you get the information your case needs.


Popularity of Digital Forensic Services

Computer Forensics

ICFECI is the finest pro-defendant private investigative services you will find in Texas. Committed to supporting our clients from start to finish, we offer an array of services handled by experts with years of industry experience in the labyrinthine maze of criminal laws.

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